Saturday, 5 July 2008

Neglected Blog Again.... HaHa...

been busy since mid march, thus neglected to update blog..
basically i spent majority of my time monitoring sg and US stock market..
the rest were occupied by work, doing extra duties cos shortage of class 4 drivers.. really tired out cos in april i was working with only 1 off day per week.. wtf!!!
anyway, i had sold some of my stocks on hand.. for local stocks i'm in negative territory, but for US stocks, i'm in positive territory..
i had stayed away from trading as market is going thru a highly volatile period.. even with technical analysis, direction of trading patterns may go against what it should be.. so better stay at side line.. moreover the speculation of oil is reaching sky high and it seems like everyday it's hitting a new ceiling..
now that i have more free time, i think it's back to updating my blog again....

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